The core knowledge in business administration is one of the key qualifications today in order to be able to exercise a responsible activity in economics or administration. It is a basic condition to communicate with businesspeople and to discuss projects and budgets.
The EBC*L certificate offers the possibility to prove exactly that practice-relevant economic core knowledge and demonstrates business management expertise on an internationally recognized level.
The European Business Competence* License, EBC*L is a Europe-wide established business qualification certificate attesting the holder the core competence needed to
• take part in economic life
• be able to run a department, or a division in a big organization and make effective managerial decisions
• control and manage the financial aspects of a project
• start up and run a new business successfully
EBC*L + IQ+C-Vienna :
In June 2009 a contract to establish the EBC*L in Arab World was signed by Dr. Victor Mihalic from EBC*L International and Dr. Mohamed-Ali Ibrahim, Chairman of IQ+C Vienna. IQ+C-Vienna is entitled to manage and implement the EBC*L System within the whole Arabic area.
EBC*L Certificate :
The EBC*L certificate demonstrates business management expertise on an internationally recognized level and was established internationally as a standard of business administration education. In the globalized business world certificates, which are recognized beyond the borders, have an outstanding meaning.
The EBC*L is currently established in 42 countries: Arab Countries, Austria, Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Kenya, Macedonia, Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine) and is available in 24 languages.
Due to its high degree of transparency, the European Business Competence* License is accredited by the international economy. A huge number of well-known companies (including Siemens, T-Mobile, Xerox, Bayer, Uniqua, Samsung etc.) have successfully integrated EBC*L into their in-house staff development programs.
Furthermore, the EBC*L is established in several projects financed by the European Union.
The EBC*L levels :
The EBC*L certification system consists of a publicly available syllabus for each competence level and an international standardized examination.
LEVEL A: General knowledge
• Business objectives and Financial Ratios
• Accounting
• Costing and Pricing
• Business Law
LEVEL B: Planning knowledge
• Business Plan
• Marketing and sales
• Investment Analysis
• Financing & Financial Planning
LEVEL C: Leadership knowledge
• Organization
• Personnel management
• Controlling
• Quality management
• Risk management
• Project management
Successful candidates get the certificate, issued by the International Center of the EBC*L and the Council Business Competence for Europe.
Preparation Courses :
The courses preparing candidates for the EBC*L examination are conducted by our IQ+C local training institutions and universities as well as the Universities of Applied Sciences. All of them are accredited partners of the Representation Office in a particular country and fulfill the set quality standards. The preparation courses for each level comprise 100 hours in a modern blended learning system.
Preparation Material :
The preparation for the EBC*L examination can be done in English or Arabic by means of certified preparation instruments such as
• Books
• E-learning programs (online lessons)
• Training material
Becoming IQ+C Training & Exam Centre :
The National Training & Exam Centers are responsible for the distribution, operation, and quality control in all areas of education (private sector, schools, universities, vocational training).
An IQ+C National Training & Exam Center has to meet the following criteria:
• competence in business management
• excellent understanding of the national education market
• good contacts to institutions engaged in further education
Ideally, IQ+C Training & Exam Center
• has already gained experience with certification procedures
• is actively networking with public institutions (ministries, chambers, job centers) and potential sponsors.
If you are interested in creating an IQ+C Training & Exam Centre,
please contact:
IQ+C Vienna – EBC*L Egypt
c/o The Skills Group GmbH
Margaretenstrasse 70, 1050 Vienna, Austria
E: vienna@ebcl-egypt.com
W: http://www.ebcl-egypt.com
For more information about our current partners in Egypt, please contact:
IQ+C Vienna – EBC*L Arab World Head office
Dr. Mohamed-Ali Ibrahim, CEO of Arab World
ceo@ebcl-arab.com / austrian-arabic@aon.at